Meet Dawn Hancy
Reiki Master Practitioner, Teacher & Coach
A Bit About Me
I love introducing people to the surprizing simplicity and gentle power of Reiki, and especially coaching Reiki practitioners to discover and develop their most successful and satisfying Reiki path and practice.
I had no idea what an amazing adventure lay ahead when I began studying and practicing Reiki in 2009, but once I became more involved in learning and sharing Reiki healing, I couldn't wait to become a teacher so I too could share and awaken this remarkable gift in others. I completed Reiki teacher training with Deborah Davidson in 2018 and have joyfully been teaching, coaching and developing unique wellness programs ever since. I discover more beautiful gifts of Reiki every day through self-Reiki wellness practice, professional practice, teaching and coaching, volunteering and creating community wellness programs.
Since 2016, I have founded my private practice, Essential Arts Reiki Training & Healing and the nonprofit program Integrated Community Resilience, coordinated the Reiki program at Gifford Medical Center, and served as a board member and Orange County coordinator of the VRA. I introduced the Vermont farming community to Reiki with a new VRA volunteer event at the NOFA-VT conference at UVM.
I enjoy sharing Reiki with people of all ages from local summer camp kids to elders in nursing homes, survivors of trauma and abuse, hospice patients and their families, as well as animal Reiki. While I delight in introducing people to the surprising simplicity and gentle power of Reiki for the first time, I especially love helping Reiki practitioners to cultivate their most satisfying and successful personal Reiki practice and find their own unique Reiki path in life. I am a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals.
I'm currently Lay Pastor for the Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism & Healing. A former librarian and homeschool mom, I enjoy textile and fiber arts like quilting and hand spinning, and I'm a lifelong musician. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, I feel Vermont is my true home and community.
Just before the pandemic, The Essential Art of Reiki on IFundWomen successfully completed Phase 1 of a crowdfunding campaign for a pilot project to expand my offerings to help people achieve Optimal Wellness and Success. In Phase 2, with my husband Phil Yacovella, we intend to create the Vermont Virtual Event Center with Healing Hospitality in a historic central Vermont inn.
Reiki Training & Experience
April 19, 2008
June 20, 2018
November 2018
March 2020
Began Reiki Level 1 training with Joann Voner and Joe Voner, Randolph, Vermont.
Founded Essential Arts Reiki studio in Norwich, Vermont, offering Reiki healing arts sessions and Meditation of Compassion.
Founded Integrated Community Resilience, a project of Global Community Initiatives, partnerships and programs that cultivate greater quality of life for all members of the community.
Completed Reiki Master Teacher training with Deborah Davidson, West Fairlee, Vermont.
Expanded Essential Arts Reiki Training & Healing, moved studio to Randolph, Vermont.
Pivoted Essential Arts Reiki Training & Healing to virtual studio, created and offered Learn 2 Relax, Reiki Revival and Seasons of Comfort programs for wellness support and stress relief, Reiki training and coaching.
Additional Training & Experience
Organizational management and long-range planning, Vermont Department of Libraries
Earth Activist Training, Permaculture Certification including community dynamics and consensus process
Foundations of Gender-based Violence (oppression, sexual and domestic violence advocacy training), WISE of the Upper Valley
Pastoral Care training, Gifford Medical Center and Universalist Society of Strafford