Welcome to 2018 and a brand new Seasonal Celebration Series!

The dawning of the new year is the perfect opportunity for
Opening Your Gifts
Unleash with lightning bolts - or gently awaken
your unique talents and passions
for the healthiest and happiest start to 2018!
Opening Your Gifts
is a new Seasonal Celebration program from Essential Arts
dedicated to cultivating your unique talents and passions
for this powerful moment in your life,
in sustainable and naturally evolving ways
that activate your greatest well-being.

Now enter with me into the deepening winter and returning light
to create the most empowering New Year's season you've ever known
as I invite you to envision ...
... welcoming the new year with hope and vitality
... discovering and deepening your natural strengths and talents, passions and gifts
... joyfully growing your connection to Nature's cycles and rhythms
... celebrating this season authentically through your unique beauty and creativity
... expanding your well-being, purpose and resilience - naturally and easily

Opening Your Gifts
with Dawn Hancy, Reiki Master at Essential Arts
This is the moment for you to embrace
in your own Customized Reiki & Personal Wellness

Series Guidebook
Exclusive updates
Weekly blog
Seasonal celebrations
Live programs
Open Circle
Seasonal Guidebook
Personal email support
Affordable price!
Seasonal Study
6 Reiki & Personal Guidance sessions (in person or distance)
Seasonal Study
2 Reiki & Personal Guidance sessions (in person or distance)
Seasonal Celebrations enhance your health & happiness all year long
with Essential Arts programs for all 8 seasons on the Wheel of the Year.

This season of Imbolc is that sacred pause between the busy holiday season at the end of one year and the emerging potential of the next. Opening Your Gifts brings us into intimate harmony with the cycles of Nature in this time of anticipation as the light returns slowly and we balance our regular routine with deepening self-care. This is the time to set our course energetically for the year, not just casting ahead goals we hope we'll catch up to later, but choosing our direction now and facing it fully, in dedication and faith that our path will unfold according to our intentions and actions combined.
Opening Your Gifts spans the 6-week period from January 16 to February 26. During this time I'll be posting daily support in the Facebook virtual circle and adding weekly blog posts. The Opening Your Gifts Guidebook will be available January 16. Reiki & Personal Guidance sessions can begin before and/or continue after the official 6-week program as availability allows.
Seasonal Celebrations take us around the Wheel of the Year and through the entire calendar in 8 original 6-week programs that support our greatest wellbeing, connect us to the rhythms and energies of Nature, and help us to evolve our path and purpose by bringing forward ancient wisdom traditions in new ways that perfectly blend with the wonders and challenges of our modern world, empowering each of us to co-create the beautiful ecological, just and sustainable culture that is emerging.
You can look back on the start of 2018 with a sigh of relief & a sense of accomplishment
knowing you did more than just make resolutions that quickly fade,
reveling in vibrant health and honest appreciation for yourself,
and celebrating with friends who have shared your adventure.
You'll look forward to Spring with vision and confidence
carrying forward the healthy and uplifting practices you've cultivated,
trusting that your growth and success will only continue to unfold,
embracing new opportunities to serve and prosper by sharing your gifts with others,
unwrapping not only a new calendar year but a joyous new chapter in your evolution.
"My first Reiki experience ever was a distance session with Dawn. It was beautiful, enlightening, and peaceful. As I listened to her speak of her own experience during our Reiki session, I was in awe. I felt as if she had been standing beside me, or looking through my own mind's eye. As I have continued to work with Dawn, I have had many marvelous Reiki sessions (in person and distance). And I have learned so much about myself."
Hillary J. Leicher

by providing one-on-one support through
Caring witness and validation of your unique experience.
Non-judgmental acceptance of your challenges as opportunities for growth and change.
Suggestions from an experienced practitioner of mindfulness, healing, ritual and other wellness practices.
Perspective cultivated by sharing your journey week after week as it unfolds.
Compassionate accountability with a mentor who believes in your success and innate wonderful wellness.
Spiritual support, whether you follow a traditional or an eclectic path, or wish to create one for yourself.
Recommendations for resources beyond the scope of this program.
Help in crafting your next steps for the new year.
Reiki Soothes & Energizes
Personal Wellness Guidance Empowers Your 2018 Vision
Here's what a world-class academic medical facility, the Cleveland Clinic, has to say about Reiki:
"Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of natural
hands-on, energy-based healing."
"A Reiki treatment adapts to the needs of the recipient
and may:
Initiate the feeling of security, peace and wellness
Bring a peaceful, deep relaxation
Dissolve energy blockages and tension, thereby reducing stress
Support the well-being of the client who is receiving medical treatments
Stimulate the body’s immune system
Help to relieve pain
Stimulate tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery
Help meditative states
Promote natural self-healing"
In-person & Distance Reiki in a Nutshell:
The Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine & Digestive Center describes in-person and distance Reiki as "a very specific form of energy healing, in which hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body, as in 'laying on of hands.' Reiki can also be done 'long-distance,' as a form of prayer. In a Reiki session, the practitioner is seeking to transmit Universal Life Energy to the client. The intention is to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing."

"I have been receiving monthly Reiki sessions from Dawn for the past year. I am a Craniosacral and Polarity Therapist myself and find her work to be very beneficial in promoting greater range of movement, freedom from congestion, and a lighter sense of being aware. I would recommend her work to anyone."
Richard W. Crandall MA, LCMHC, LADC, RCST, PTP

Sustaining Wellness & Resilience
Monthly Reiki & Personal Guidance Sessions
Enjoy the Seasonal Celebrations Guidebook, the guide to the whole Seasonal Celebrations Series throughout the year.
Receive emails with exclusive updates and extra material available only to those enrolled in the Opening Your Gifts program.
Join our virtual community in a safe, supportive, fun Facebook group with daily postings, discussions and caring companionship
Weekly blog posts on topics related to Opening Your Gifts
Seasonal celebrations of Imbolc, Groundhog Day & Valentine's Day
Live programs in the central Vermont/Upper Valley area
Opening Your Gifts Guidebook with practices and exercises to help support you in awakening and cultivating your precious gifts
Personal email support for deeper discussion and help with your questions or issues that arise during your study.
2 Reiki sessions (in person or distance) during the 6-week program to support your holistic health, well-being, intuition and learning - all your own natural gifts!
One-on-one Personal Guidance to help you integrate the practices and principles of Opening Your Gifts into all aspects of your life.
Only $200 for the current season - or save 10% with an Annual Subscription with 8 Seasonal Celebrations Guidebooks and 16 Reiki & Personal Guidance sessions throughout the year for just $1440!
Select "Sustaining Wellness & Resilience" Package
by clicking here to contact Dawn to schedule your sessions.
Select "Sustaining Wellness & Resilience" Annual Subscription by clicking here to contact Dawn to schedule your sessions.
To receive 6 weekly Reiki healing energy sessions, upgrade to
"Intensive Healing & Evolution" or
schedule a free consultation with Dawn to help you decide.

Intensive Healing & Evolution
Weekly Reiki & Personal Guidance Sessions
Enjoy the Seasonal Celebrations Guidebook, the guide to the whole Seasonal Celebrations Series throughout the year.
Receive emails with exclusive updates and extra material available only to those enrolled in the Opening Your Gifts program.
Join our virtual community in a safe, supportive, fun Facebook group with daily postings, discussions and caring companionship
Weekly blog posts on topics related to Opening Your Gifts
Seasonal celebrations of Imbolc, Groundhog Day & Valentine's Day
Live programs in the central Vermont/Upper Valley area
Opening Your Gifts Guidebook with practices and exercises to help support you in awakening and cultivating your precious gifts
Personal email support for deeper discussion and help with your questions or issues that arise during your study.
6 Reiki sessions (in person or distance) during the 6-week program to accelerate and deepen your healing and growth on all levels, unleashing your greatest natural gifts!
One-on-one Personal Guidance to help you to continue Opening Your Gifts through the year and throughout your life.
Only $600 for the current season - or save 10% with an Annual Subscription with 8 Seasonal Celebrations Guidebooks and 48 Reiki & Personal Guidance sessions throughout the year for just $4320!
Select "Intensive Healing & Evolution" Package
by clicking here to contact Dawn to schedule your sessions.
Select "Intensive Healing & Evolution" Annual Subscription
by clicking here to contact Dawn to schedule your sessions.
Or schedule a free consultation with Dawn to help you decide.
Opening Your Gifts - Package Options

Open Circle
Open to everyone​
Enjoy a free copy of the Seasonal Celebrations Guidebook, the guide to the whole Seasonal Celebrations Series throughout the year.
Receive emails with exclusive updates and extra material available only to those enrolled in the Opening Your Gifts program.
Join our virtual community in a safe, supportive, fun Facebook group with daily postings, discussions and caring companionship
Weekly blog posts on topics related to Opening Your Gifts
Seasonal celebrations of Imbolc, Groundhog Day & Valentine's Day
Live programs in the central Vermont/Upper Valley area
Free and open to all!
Join the Open Circle now!
For the Opening Your Gifts Guidebook & personal email support,
upgrade to the Seasonal Study package, or
schedule a free consultation with Dawn to help you decide.

Seasonal Study
Self-study with support​
Enjoy the Seasonal Celebrations Guidebook, the guide to the whole Seasonal Celebrations Series throughout the year.
Receive emails with exclusive updates and extra material available only to those enrolled in the Opening Your Gifts program.
Join our virtual community in a safe, supportive, fun Facebook group with daily postings, discussions and caring companionship
Weekly blog posts on topics related to Opening Your Gifts
Seasonal celebrations of Imbolc, Groundhog Day & Valentine's Day
Live programs in the central Vermont/Upper Valley area
Opening Your Gifts Guidebook with practices and exercises to help support you in awakening and cultivating your precious gifts
Personal email support for deeper discussion and help with your questions or issues that arise during your study.
Only $25 for this unique and powerful course of Seasonal Study - or save 10% with an Annual Subscription to all 8 Seasonal Guidebooks​ at $180!
Select "Seasonal Study" Package
Select "Seasonal Study" Annual Subscription!
To add individual Reiki & Personal Guidance sessions, upgrade to
"Sustaining Wellness & Resilience" or "Intensive Healing & Evolution"
or schedule a free consultation with Dawn to help you decide.

Breathe ... and envision the possibilities arising ...
Aren't they beautiful?
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of Personal Guidance do you offer?
Together we will identify your wellness objectives and some activities, choices and perspectives that can support your desired outcomes and experiences. These can include meditation, visualization and affirmations, communication techniques, strategies for responding to challenging situations, breathing and movement, resource recommendations and more, tailored to your needs, desires and abilities, based on the Opening Your Gifts Guidebook and more.
Do I need any meditation experience, a vegetarian diet or other specific wellness practices?​
Not at all. Anyone can either begin or advance their wellness practices at any time. We will customize our work together to suit your goals and abilities.​
Do I need to follow any particular spiritual path?​
It is entirely up to you. You are not required to belong to any tradition or group, though you certainly may. This work can enhance, deepen and clarify your spiritual path.
Can you guarantee my results?​
You are the one directing your experience and I will support you with Reiki healing energy and personal guidance, but I cannot choose or predict your outcomes, nor would this be ethical. I respect your free will and the innate wisdom of your body and your being. We co-create this program together with the shared intention of your greatest well-being.​
Do I need to pay the entire cost at once or can I pay in installments?
You are welcome to enroll for a single 6-week Seasonal Celebration session or an Annual Subscription. These are the only payment options available through Essential Arts at this time, though Paypal does offer a credit option with no payments for 6 months.
Are there any refund options?​
Refunds are not available for these packages, though you can re-schedule your individual if you notify me of changes at least 24 hours in advance.

Schedule your Complimentary Consultation
with Dawn at 802-685-7752 or click here to email.
Treating yourself with love and honor is the best gift you can give the world
so here's how you can get started now !
Still not sure?
Here's a gift that will help you decide whether Opening Your Gifts is right for you right now.
Just click the image of the heart below to start with a free introduction, your own
Opening Your Gifts: Opening Your Vision - it's my gift to you.
I'm grateful for your visit to this page and for your interest in bringing forth your own beautiful gifts.
Hello, I'm Dawn Hancy,
Reiki Master and founder of Essential Arts Reiki.

One of my greatest joys is seeing people light up with wonder when they first experience the sublime sensation of Reiki energy, another is synergistically supporting people in their healing and personal evolution, and still another is connecting people I know who can mutually benefit one another. I am so excited to be able to do all three of those things right now in service to an even greater dream of mine: transforming our world by awakening the natural healing and magic that live within each of us - and I can think of no better moment than this to embrace that challenge!
I have been studying and practicing Usui Reiki since 2009, and I continue to learn more every day from other members of the Reiki community, books, websites, events, my clients and my own self-practice. I am a member of the Vermont Reiki Association and Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. I look forward to completing my teacher training in 2018, and being able to offer a Level 1 Reiki class soon.
I am also a volunteer chaplain at Gifford Medical Center, as well as offering Reiki there; a volunteer offering Reiki and advocacy support at WISE, a gender-based violence crisis center; and a Reiki hospice volunteer with Bayada.
Here are a few more quick details about me. I am formerly a librarian and home school mom, small-scale farmer and food producer, choral singer and community organizer. I offer a free camp workshop each summer called Horse Sense where kids learn to use all six senses to safely enjoy being with horses, including those who have been rescued from abuse and neglect, retired race horses, and working horses. I regularly attend Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism and Healing, and I've found spiritual community at various times in Unitarian Universalist congregations, Wiccan and Druid circles, Christian churches, Buddhist gatherings, and interfaith Earth ministry.
I look forward to a chat with you about how to make your holiday season a more joyous and peaceful celebration through the end of this year and on into 2018. Please contact me with any questions or to schedule a free consultation.
Wishing you joy and success in Opening Your Gifts!