Dawn Hancy
Dec 31, 20174 min read
Gathering the Flowers of 2017
At the beginning of this year I came across a Facebook post I just knew I never wanted to forget. There were a few things I really did...

Dawn Hancy
Jul 3, 20173 min read
EMPassion Day
My most recent post, "The Day We Dream" was offered last November 8 as a tribute to the power we each hold as individuals and as...

Dawn Hancy
Nov 8, 20163 min read
The Day We Dream...
Today, at last, is Election Day. Is it the new Independence Day? Will it be remembered as the day the passion of our activism finally...

Dawn Hancy
Jul 15, 20161 min read
Introducing the Vershire Buzz!
The Vershire Buzz is my brand new blog on dailyUV dedicated to the voices, views and visions of the Vershire Community. You can read the...

Dawn Hancy
Sep 25, 20154 min read
Summer In September - from Steampunk in Springfield to Antique Hill at the Tunbridge World's Fair
The August heat has lingered as long as the spring chill in June, thankfully, creating idyllic conditions for 2 of my favorite events...