Essential Arts Offerings
Select from these fabulous options to get started with Essential Arts or continue your EA journey - today!
Please contact me with any questions. I'd love to hear from you!
EA ReiKi in Norwich, VT
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Visit the new Essential Arts ReiKi studio on Main St. in Norwich, Vt.
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Click the button above to contact Dawn to schedule your
free ReiKi consultation. Learn about this powerful healing energy that enhances your own essential life force and how ReiKi can help you gain, maintain and advance your overall well-being.
By clicking the "Buy Now" button above, you are making a payment for a ReiKi session. You still need to set up an appointment for a full in-person session by contacting Dawn. Please set up your appointment first, to make sure there will be a time and place that is convenient for both of us.

Healing & Craft Weekend Retreat
$200 / person

Country Steampunk Weekend Retreat
$200 / person
Contact Dawn for dates of upcoming retreats that combine healing sessions and practices with craft circles and basic instruction in sewing, knitting and spinning wool. Bring your own project or start a new one.
Once you have registered for a weekend spot, click the Buy Now button below to make your payment.

Contact Dawn for upcoming dates for fun and educational weekends exploring both the beautiful Vermont countryside and the state's industrial legacy. Create a costume and a character or bring your own!
Once you have registered for a weekend spot, click the Buy Now button below to make your payment.