Introducing the Vershire Buzz!

The Vershire Buzz is my brand new blog on dailyUV dedicated to the voices, views and visions of the Vershire Community. You can read the very first post here, "Vershire, a Small Town with a Big Heart." Look for a new post every Friday morning (or occasionally more often if things get really exciting in Vershire), or better yet, sign up here to receive each post automatically.
You are welcome to contact me with questions, comments, news or topics of interest about Vershire. This is a community conversation, so your input is appreciated! Do you live in Vershire? Work or visit here? Live far away but love seeing what goes on in our little rural village in the Green Mountains? If so, please get in touch and read the Vershire Buzz every Friday - and share it with your friends!
This is admittedly not objective reporting - I love living in Vershire and I intend to explore and encourage all aspects of Vershire in the most positive and productive perspectives possible. Let’s do it together!