3 Special Ways to Manifest with Gratitude Today

While being grateful for what we have received is a wonderful way to remind us of our blessings every day, three more gratitude practices can help us more effectively manifest the blessings we desire - even those beyond our ability to envision them in this moment.
This Thanksgiving and through the coming holiday season, I invite you to join me in a practice I call Going Directly to Gratitude. When we set an intention, it can be tempting next to either try really hard to make it happen, or start to doubt whether it will ever come about. Instead, we can give thanks for it as though it's already accomplished, and start enjoying that feeling of success right away. It make take awhile before you really feel it with much confidence, but that's okay - it's a practice, and it's helping you evolve and grow into being able to receive those blessings and make the most of them. Believe . . . and receive!
Another way to practice gratitude without having results in your hands is to be Grateful for Opportunities, known and unknown in this moment. Every new day brings opportunities we won't even know about until they appear, and we're much more likely to recognize them if we practice being open to them. It's soundly proven that our brains seek confirmation for what we already believe or focus on. We also know that gratitude creates a more calm mind and body than worry, so that allows the more creative, problem-solving parts of our brains to be online and ready to make the most of those opportunities as they arise.
Whether you're perfectly content this Thanksgiving, with a full belly, safe and relaxed, surrounded by loving friends and family, and completely hopeful for the future - or you're missing something you need or wish for, feel a bit uneasy or downright miserable, fearing what's to come or grieving losses, give these three gratitude practices a try. Even better, try a third gratitude manifesting technique and share them with someone else - or the whole gang gathered around the table and see if you can find some common intentions for the coming days and months to empower with gratitude together.
Love and Thanksgiving blessings to you!
Thanksgiving is just the beginning of the holiday season in the US, and there's much more to come from Essential Arts!
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I will suggest at our feast that we each say something we are grateful to have coming our way. Thanks Dawn.