Dark Moon Healing & Independence Day
I decided to devote this Dark Moon to fasting and healing ritual before I realized it would be Independence Day here in the US. That makes it a great day to offer healing intentions for our country and the world, especially considering the political and social chaos that’s now unfolding.
I don’t consider darkness a bad thing, though even darkness can have its shadow side! Dark Moon is a powerful time to pause, reflect and regenerate. It’s a beautiful time to admire the stars and fireflies in the brief northern summer nights. And to listen in stillness.
I’m grateful to be far enough along on my healing journey to feel safe fasting, and prosperous enough to choose what and when to eat. My intentions are to enjoy some restful, rejuvenating stillness, to prepare for a New Moon gathering, and to offer my Reiki healing and ritual skills to the dangerous darkness of blind ignorance and fear. May It be transformed into the comforting shade of relaxation and resilience, and the nurturing stillness of listening and understanding.
From what would you like to declare your own independence, even for a day?
I invite you to join me in your own practice of fasting and healing, which doesn’t have to mean missing out on the family barbeque! Perhaps it’s making more space for rest, or doing something unusual and nourishing for yourself. Perhaps you’ll also pause to offer healing blessings and prayers for the suffering of the world as well as honoring your own healing journey. It can be during this Dark Moon/Independence Day or any time you want a bit of a reset, a recalibration.
I see so many of you doing this powerful healing work, in self-care and caring for others, and this gives me hope and inspiration.