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Writer's pictureDawn Hancy

Here's How You Can Help Heal after Hurricane Helene

Healing hands offer love to the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina
Healing hands offer love to the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina

Our Essential Arts community may be based in Vermont, but it includes members and their loved ones in western North Carolina, the epicenter of recent damage from Hurricane Helene, as well as other hard-hit areas.

It can be scary and frustrating to be so far from friends and family in danger, and the aftermath will take months, if not years of cleanup, not to mention grieving and processing this great loss and trauma.  But there's always something we can do, even if we can't go there to help - we would only be in the way, unless we're with the National Guard, Army Corp of Engineers, FEMA, or other helping organizations.

Healing Help

We can use the superpowers we all possess as natural human abilities but which often remain undeveloped, including healing, compassion, and intuition.  Studies have shown that prayer helps people heal more quickly, so even if you have no healing arts training, your focused loving intentions make a real difference.

It also helps us cope with anxiety by focusing on love, comfort, healing, and all the beautiful emotions and energies we want to share with those in need. We may even receive inspiration or creative ideas for how to help, like looking up information about resources that can help people in areas with limited communications and bandwidth for research.

If you've had Reiki Level 1 training, you can amplify the power of your prayers as you practice your self-healing while projecting your caring intentions to others.  You can also hold a photo or written name of someone you want to send healing or support, and give Reiki to the paper, or other representative object.

If you're a Reiki Level 2 practitioner, you can send someone a complete Reiki session or otherwise offer powerful healing directly through a Reiki energy sphere, using the symbols to empower photos, names and objects, even receiving information through a two-way connection established with Reiki symbols and other techniques.

We'll be sending love and healing in our Reiki Practice Circle this Thursday at 2 to those folks recovering from the storm and others who are on our hearts and minds even as we celebrate the harvest and appreciate our blessings. There is still much to be grateful for, including community. Thank you so much for being a part of mine!

I can't say exactly how this works, but it does - I've seen it enough times to be convinced.  I don't take it on faith, I study and observe. I've been the recipient of Reiki and healing prayers, and I woke up from major abdominal surgery last June feeling grateful and blessed, held and loved.  It made a huge difference for me, and now I'm sending Reiki every day to the folks I know in the wake of the storm, and their concerned loved ones.

Helping the Helpers

Our prayers and Reiki healing are not meant to be a substitute for the very hard, messy and dangerous work of first responders and rescue crews, government agencies and utilities, along with countless neighbors helping each other out. I encourage you to support those helpers as well, by donating to legitimate organizations like the Red Cross (not a Facebook page started yesterday), by researching, compiling and sharing information that may be useful to people in the disaster zone or others elsewhere who want to help (like forwarding this blog post). And by sending your healing prayers and Reiki to those helpers as well. The helping crews need our support as they often work around the clock, and while it might be their job, they may also be leaving their families in distress and homes in shambles to go out and rescue someone else, restore their roads or repair electric lines.

Electricity & Power

You might notice I refer to people losing their "electricity" and not their "power." We never lose our power! It comes from within, from the spark of life in every living cell in the sacred temples of our bodies, and ultimately from our infinite souls which are connected to all life, all of Spirit. While we do live lifestyles heavily dependent on modern infrastructure, we are still powerful spiritual beings.

Yet I consider this to also be a very practical reality, which is why I'm devoted to helping you develop your innate powers and abilities through all my offerings. You are much more magnificent that you probably realize, and I want to help you shine, and bless the world with your radiance. Let's start now, and focus together on western North Carolina and the other states suffering from this storm.

Try This ->

I invite you to take a moment and close your eyes or soften your gaze, breathe your attention into your body, sense a growing deep gratitude for that breath, and think of a few more things you are deeply grateful for. Then with your grateful heart and the immediate calming effect it has on your body and mind, picture the people you want to send healing as if you can hold them in your hands. You may notice tingling or warmth in your hands, especially if you've had a Reiki attunement. Open your mind to establish a connection, invite whatever spiritual beings you work with or pray to, and offer your deep desire for comfort and healing to cross the miles to where it is needed. You may find that this practice works on yourself as well, that you feel uplifted, emotional, maybe tearful, and even receive some messages or insights through this connection. Feel free to share your experiences here in the comments below so we can support you too. We're all in this together, even when we're far apart.

To Learn More . . .

If you want to study a gentle and powerful healing arts system and you're new to Reiki practice, you can start with Reiki 1: Bring Reiki to Life.

If you've already had Reiki 1 training and want to learn the Reiki symbols and distance healing techniques, you can take Reiki 2: Expand Your Horizons.

If you've had any Reiki training, even just an attunement, you can join the Reiki Practice Circle, where we practice together virtually twice a month, and meet in the 24/7 Reiki Portal which includes a Reiki Resource Library of original material designed to help you create and develop your own best personal Reiki practice and help others.

Thank you for caring - we're all in this together!


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