How to Go With the Flow During Pisces Season & Scorpio Moon

The Sun entered Pisces at 5:06 this morning, and will remain until it moves into Aries on Spring Equinox at 5:01 a.m. Thursday 3/20. Pisces, a mutable water sign, is the last in the zodiac cycle. We’Moon 2025 tells us on page 204, Sun in Pisces invites “introspection, imagination, sensitivity and intuition. We process and gestate our dreams.”
For folks born between 2/18 and 3/20, your We’Moon 2025 Year At a Glance for Pisces, page 53, announces, “What an excellent time to be yourself! As 2025 begins, you will have experiences that give you all the more reason to embrace your true nature . . .”
The Moon entered Scorpio at 7:19 in the evening Monday 2/17 and moves through this sign until Thursday 2/20 at 7:54 a.m. From We’Moon 2025, page 205, “Moon in Scorpio turns us inward, deepens our curiosity and focus, but gives us attitude. We need privacy, as moods may be prickly. Clear the deadwood of soul or garden. Seek deep, refreshing contemplation.”
Taken together, these heavenly bodies and their dance through the stars welcome us to turn inward, dive into healing and nurturing spaces and practices, explore the currents and flows of our own energy and our lives with compassion, and float in hygge, the warm, cozy relaxation and semi-hibernation that helps us navigate these harsh winter days.
It’s also a great time to indulge in Reiki healing, so I’m extending the Valentine’s Day 2 for 1 Session Specials through Thursday night 2/20, and you can still enroll in the Bring Reiki to Life class to develop your own Reiki practice.
This year’s We’Moon theme, Growing Edge, “can take you on deep soul journeys to and beyond the Growing Edges of your imagination.” Corresponding to the Waxing Gibbous Moon, 4th of the 8 lunar phases, when “the light is growing toward full on the edge of a dark presence . . . These artful datebook pages glow with confident radiance, as the pregnant-with-light Moon grows toward full.”
“We’Moon 2025: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn is more than an appointment book: it’s a way of life! We’Moon is a lunar calendar, a handbook in natural rhythms, and a collaboration of international womyn’s cultures. Art and writing by wemoon from many lands give a glimpse of the great diversity and uniqueness of a world we create in our own images.”
While the themes and astrological info are updated every year, perennial favorites include Astro Year at a Glance, Eclipses/Mercury Retrograde, Wheel of the Year, Astrology Basics, Constellations of the Zodiac, Moon Transits, Goddess Planets, Ephemeris 101, Lunar Phase Card, Dedication to organizations enhancing the lives of women and the planet, fascinating contributor bios and so much more. This year’s edition also includes Year of the Snake, Taking Our Place in Space, Decolonizing Witchcraft and Tarot for 2025.
Yes, We’Moon 2025 is still available with spiral or flat binding at! Order yours today and soon you’ll be curling up with a cup of tea inspired by Herbs for the Growing Edge on page 22 (and maybe a cat!), looking up your zodiac sign’s Year At a Glance, exploring monthly themes like Sacred Earth, Harvest of Healing and Beyond the Veil, even connecting with artists and writers from around the world. I use the daily spaces for affirmations of gratitude and intentions, important events and a bit of brief journaling for self-encouragement. What will fill the pages of your We’Moon?
I love hearing about what you learn from We'Moon, whether you use it as a datebook, gratitude journal or something else, and how the art and writing inspire you, so feel free to share in the comments. Maybe you'll even contribute to a future We'Moon edition!