Reiki & Full Moon, Crystals & Wands, Ancestral Healing & Lobster: the Essential Arts Northeast Coast Tour!
The first thing I want to do once we’re settled in is head for the beach and touch the Atlantic Ocean. It’s not exactly swimming and sunbathing season, but I can already feel the powerful pull of the water from the Green Mountains. I’m also eager to visit the Brick Store, Maritime, Classic Car and Trolley museums, discover bookstores and cafes, and indulge in fresh lobster and a hearty diner breakfast or two! Besides sharing some much needed relaxing time with my beloved husband Phil, after a very trying couple of years.
Besides being a tourist, I’m very excited about three programs I’ll be presenting with several lovely local ladies, and meeting new friends.

Reiki Share ~ Dinner ~ Practice Circle
Friday, October 18, in Kennebunk, Maine, we’ll start at 5:00 with a Reiki Self-Practice/Share. I’ll lead a guided self-Reiki sequence to get our healing energy flowing, then we’ll practice offering Reiki sessions to each other. At 6:00 we’ll enjoy a lobster dinner, followed by our regular Reiki Practice Circle, 7-8, in a hybrid format so in-person attendees can join folks on Zoom tuning in from elsewhere. (RPC Members: note the different day and time instead of our regular 3rd Thursday.)
This Practice Circle will combine our Reiki 1 and 2 skills to create safe, sacred space to invite healing for ourselves, our relationships and lineages, be they familial, ancestral, cultural or spiritual. Whether you love to research your genealogy, seek mediumistic connections across The Veil, want to honor the ancestors of the land where you live, or just desire an open-hearted experience of wellbeing and connection, your intentions will guide your experience. This is not family therapy, but an exploration of spiritual practices you can use when and as you like for your own personal growth. And . . . when we do our own inner work, often what manifests in our relationships and our lives is astounding!
Register for the Reiki Share ~ Dinner ~ Practice Circle here. This event is just for Reiki Practice Circle Members, and Reiki practitioners of all levels are welcome to join the Reiki Practice Circle.

Crystal Full Moon Healing
Can we celebrate the Full Moon in the morning? Of course! The energy of the Full Moon lasts for several days around its peak and we can work with it at any time. In fact, we’ll be bringing the Aries Full Moon energy into Taurus, which is perfect for grounding and manifesting, and morning energy is great for initiating what we want to create in our lives.
Katie Marsh will guide us in creating a crystal grid to energize and amplify the intentions we want to manifest, then lead breathwork for grounding and empowering our intentions. I’ll Reiki-charge the crystal manifestation grid and provide a brief Reiki session for each attendee. Tea and healthy snacks will be provided. Bring your crystals if you like.
This event is open to all, Saturday, October 19 from 10 to noon in Dover, New Hampshire, with registration required. So it’s a great way to start the weekend, and it’s not that early!

Call to Ancestral Healing
Nanci Adair and I invite you to welcome the Goddesses of Autumn and the wisdom of trees, explore the meaning of the tarot suit of Wands and even create, decorate and empower your own wands. We’ll charge them on our collaborative altar, and in a ritual based on Wiccan and Druidic elements and empowered with Reiki, infusing our wands, ourselves and our ancestral connections and lineages with our healing intentions.
Bring your own wand to charge or create one with us, and we’ll provide the materials. You’re also welcome to contribute photos or other symbols of loved ones who have crossed over or other ancestors and lineage bearers to the altar (you will get them back afterward).
This event will be in Portland, Maine on Sunday, October 20 from 11 am to 1 pm. Register in advance for a discount, or at the door.
As much as I love living in Vermont, I’m looking forward to a change of scenery for a few days, and I’m excited to expand the Essential Arts community.
What kinds of events would you love to attend, in Vermont or wherever you are? I'll be looking for your ideas in the comments below!